寻芳不觉醉 在 2004-3-5 22:55:29 发表的内容 Tannoy:《天朗》是早年间港台发烧圈中赫赫有名老牌名厂,在日本尤为有名,在高级发烧友中,用《金嗓子》或精品胆机推《西敏寺》,绝对是身份之象征,往往数十年不想换机,甚至终生相守。可惜的是,近年来Tannoy竟然也追起时尚来了,大量出产中和低价音箱,搞新科技,铺天盖地在中国大陆推广,甚至许多中小城市的音响店用些真假难辨的“六角箱”播放粤语时代曲,唱卡拉OK……令人不忍卒听。难道这就是传奇的“天朗之声”吗?近年来hi-end界聆听口味已变,代表五十年代科技(与美国JBL同时代)的老贵族Tannoy,痛感美人迟暮,转向暴富一族抛媚眼,令人扼腕。其实平心而论,Tannoy自有不可磨灭的辉煌,它代表着与BBC专家学者路线人同的,它是英国传统贵族化(非专业化)音响设计的最高成就。Tannoy的基础设计是大型迷宫式背负号角音箱,大型同轴一体化高/低音全频带单元。Tannoy在五十年代,能设计制造出这样完美的产品,绝对是一代惊世之作,称得上名器这两个字的最确切含意。最近,我在北京发烧圈中对于Tannoy深有认识的友人老范家中,用关氏只有3W输出的直垫三极管2A3单端胆机Natural Diamond来推Tannoy专业监听箱LGM。听Borodin String Quartet演奏老柴《如歌的行板》,琴音深情凄婉,沧桑悱恻,真实无比,不少中央乐团的专家听过也惊为绝唱,比之于一代名器Marantz2推Sonus Faber Guarneri,竟然犹胜一筹!此一刻,我们才觉得真正听Tannoy的声音:高度灵敏的号角/硬边纸盆单元,配合小功率和音色绝美的胆机,以中小音量来听古典弦乐。这正是五十至六十年代古典音乐黄金时代的遗音!我们终于理解了日本资深发烧友抱着老Tannoy巨大的箱体为的是达到高效率和敏感轻柔,并不是用来与JBL比爆棚、与ATC比动态好!真要感谢老范,只有像他那样,喜新不厌旧,才提供了我们理解这一层道理的客观条件。也许我太顽固,也许我太浪漫。总之,我不接受Tannoy近年来的新设计:从那批灰色“防火板”系列音箱之后,Tannoy就尽失往日的光彩,六角箱就更加不足言。可笑的是,在大陆发烧圈中,竟然还有不少人为之鼓吹,把它捧为新星……在我看来,Tannoy只有经典系列“木箱”才是宝藏,值得好好珍藏,发掘它的潜力。在这个“一切向钱看”的时代,“木箱”还会存留多久?
以上广泛讨论了英国音箱的特色和一批代表性的名作。也直言不讳地站在用户角度上,表达了对各厂牌的看法。「英国声」最可珍视的正是它的传统,它能坚持到今日,除了厂家和代理的功绩之外,杂志和发烧友的择善固执和忠诚不贰至少有同样功绩。例如3/5A的停产而又复产,发烧友用真金白银挽救了一件行将消失的历史名作,其贡献应与绿色环保主义者同等。作为一个老发烧友,在这里喋喋不休,正是希望厂商和代理能晌应我们的心声。在扩大商业推广的同时,牺牲一些利益和坚持生产一些为我们珍爱的精品名器。使后来的发烧友能够买到正统“英国声”音箱,将这个音晌史上重要的流派继承和发扬光大下去,五十年、一百年不变。 作者:关乃炘
Thanks for your extract artical from Mr. Kwan.
Mr. Kwan's comments is absolutely right and I believe he had a deep
feeling toward Mr. Fan's system. They both had finally found out how a
tube amplifier driving the Tannoy sound like.
But it is not the only way to driving Tannoy to it's extreme as most of the
good speakers, they should fully reflect what you feed into the speaker
system but iwthout it's major character (less colouration).
Howver, audiophile like you belong to a minority group of people and I
don't think that would make Tannoy keeping alive. On the other hand
music lovers had many kinds and may not suject to classical music at all.
As a commercial issue, why don't we let the youngsters have a chance to
listen to Tannoy in n affordable price ?? This is also true to Accuphase,
They have series of amplifier for beginers and decerning audiophiles
depending on their budget and their music liking, rather tan classical
music, there are lots of others which were great composotions.
Think about yourself say 20 years ago, what did you listen to? then you
know we or the manufacturers should offer a chance to the juniors
to knock on the door of high fidelity.
You are hell of a good audiophile with lots of experience but we cannot
throw these beginers out from our doors.
I once listened to the Tannoy model 609 driven by a home theatre amp
with exceptional result, punchy, speedy and yet quite musical even when
they play a good classical peice of music. You can hardly believe as many
people didn't like this speaker much.
However, above setup is tune by a master of audio and using good quality
cheap cables and that's it. I was so astonishing for the performance.
Yes, if you compare to the top model of Tannoy driven by top quality amp,
the 609 is quite far beyond but, it sounds right, msuical, correct speed,
punchy as music required.
If we are goin to comment the common Tannoy models, we should step
out from our high-end attitude and treated ourselves as a beginer.
AS an experienced audiophile like your goodself, you should contribute
more comments to helping the juniors to achieve for better sound.
From last audio fair in White Swan Hotel, I listen to the new Tannoy
Prestige seires, I think they are much better than the old models in terms
of tonal balance that not necessarily to use tube amplifier to drive.
Back to the Tannoy commercial issue, like you, I think no one like to see Tannoy is running a non profit company well otherwise, who would support
the R&D ??
My friend, the world is turning and we have to admitted that new
technology is better than before but the problem is that many old
senior audiophiles cannot accept new sound or new technology and
never attempt to tweak the system to a better system. I didn't mean that
old tube amps driving old Tannoy is not good but I would enjoy both
new and old world.
Please note, above comments is to explain Mr. Kwan's article and I think
this article is very old from now. However, using it to telling guys not to
worry about new products.
Furthermore, I think your chioce of Tannoy is respected.