寻芳不觉醉 在 2004-3-4 23:10:11 发表的内容
尧天舜日 在 2004-3-4 22:08:38 发表的内容 终于在网上看到使用Turnberry HE的朋友了。我是去年10月购进,是一个大昌的朋友帮忙买的,我曾经托北京高保真音响杂志社的朋友寻过价,当时北京最低报价3.2w,现如今英镑已升值到1英镑兑15.6元人民币,要真是2.7、2.8w能拿到货应该说已经相当便宜了。即使3w拿货亏也不大。Turnberry HE的确是一对好箱,但是要推好也不容易,还有,加上一对ST200超高也是少不了的。 |
同好啊! 你加ST200超高了吗?多少米? |
Fogot to tell you,
One of my friends using Accuphase E-508 with DP-85V driving the Tanny
Turnburry damn nice, very musical and clear and clean and not noisy.
He also add a Tannoy super tweeter on top. In some recordings,
whenever the software allows (that means if the software has really high
frequency) the differences is great.
I tell you whar, if you find chance to listen such a system, you may play
2 different recordings. One is the latest SACD original recording (not remix
from old recording) and other is old English pop sond, you will be able to
find our how powerfull the supertweeter will be.
Should I tell you how to justify the Tannoy Supertweeter ??
If you wanted to know, let me know, as it's quite a long story.