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Alex Ross选出的2008最佳唱片 [复制链接]

Alex Ross: The Ten Best Classical-Music Recordings of 2008 Amid a strong array of contenders, Andreas Scholl’s disc “Crystal Tears,” a darkly entrancing program of music from Elizabethan and Jacobean England, is my candidate for CD of the year. Scholl, a German countertenor with a pure yet full voice, goes uncannily deep into the songs of John Dowland and his contemporaries; the lutenist Julian Behr and the viol consort Concerto di viole provide immaculate, hypnotic accompaniment.
Crystal Tears”: songs of Dowland, Robert Johnson, Byrd, and others; Andreas Scholl, countertenor, Julian Behr, lute and Concerto di viole (Harmonia Mundi).
Schumann, “Dichterliebe” and other Heine Lieder; Gerald Finley, baritone, and Julius Drake, piano (Hyperion).
Heavenly Harmonies”: music of Tallis and Byrd; Stile Antico (Harmonia Mundi).
Morton Feldman, “The Viola in My Life” (I-IV); Marek Konstantynowicz, viola, with Christian Eggen conducting the Cikada Ensemble and the Norwegian Radio Orchestra (ECM).
Gods, Kings, and Demons”: René Pape, bass, with Sebastian Weigle conducting the Staatskapelle Dresden (Deutsche Grammophon).
Jonathan Harvey, “Body Mandala,” “Tranquil Abiding,” “Timepieces,” “White As Jasmine,” “…Towards a Pure Land”: Ilan Volkov and Stefan Solyom conducting the BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra (NMC).
Hommage à Messiaen”: Pierre-Laurent Aimard, piano (Deutsche Grammophon).
John Adams, “Doctor Atomic”: Gerald Finley, baritone, with Lawrence Renes conducting the Netherlands Opera (Opus Arte DVD).
Chopin, Preludes, and pieces by Mompou: Alexandre Tharaud, piano (Harmonia Mundi).
Brahms and Schumann Lieder: Lorraine Hunt Lieberson, mezzo-soprano, and Julius Drake, piano (Wigmore Hall Live).

Honorable mention:
Violin Concertos by Schoenberg and Sibelius, with Hilary Hahn and Esa-Pekka Salonen conducting the Swedish Radio Symphony (Deutsche Grammophon).
Beethoven’s Symphonies Nos. 2 and 7, with Osmo Vänskä conducting the Minnesota Orchestra (BIS).

Piano works by Salonen, Stucky, and Lutosławski
, with Gloria Cheng (Telarc).
The Stravinsky symphonies, with Simon Rattle conducting the Berlin Philharmonic (EMI).
Elliott Carter’s Quartets Nos. 1 and 5, with the Pacifica Quartet (Naxos),
Josquin’s “Missa Sine nomine” and “Missa Ad fugam,” with the Tallis Scholars (Gimell).
Volume 4 of Beethoven’s Piano Sonatas, with Paul Lewis (Harmonia Mundi).

The NOW Ensemble anthology
(New Amsterdam).
Nico Muhly, “Mothertongue” (Bedroom Community/Brassland).
Scattered Rhymes” (works of O’Regan, Machaut, Bryars, and Dufay), with the Orlando Consort and Paul Hillier conducting the Estonian Philharmonic Chamber Choir (Harmonia Mundi).
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