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Mark Levinson器材用家专栏 [复制链接]


遥控器,说明书,原机电缆. 没有包装(当时回国怕海关查,包装没带回来,自己随飞机拎回来
最近因为升级转盘+解码器带前级.所以暂时不用了. 价格合适就考虑出手.  
本机是原装380S, 而不是380升级的. (有两种380S,后者就要便宜15%-20%).  

价格 35000人民币.  





里带回加拿大的.后来就回国,自己随飞机拎回来的. 最佳要去美国一趟.正好去朋友家里看
看还有380S的包装吗. 也许还在,上帝保佑.


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3.2万元出售一台MARK LEVINSON 的PROCEED AVP2.10万元内最完美超值的前级,DAC,环绕解决方案.


现在机会来了,MARK LEVINSON的产品,可以说是美国第一HIGHEND,任何一款都值得购买.

这款AVP2的零售价6.5万-7万人民币.其核心技术与30万元的ML NO.40一样. 即使以6.5万买到就非常超值.问题在于中国你基本不可能买到.

1.做为立体声前级,级别的效果相当于4万多元的MARK LESINSON 380(MARK LEVINSON 声称NO.40作为立体声前级效果超过7计划万元的380S).

2.做为DAC的效果,它采用MARK LEVINSON NO.40一样的解码器和输入输出电路,立刻把你的800元的DVD提升到4000美元CD机的效果. 如果你有高档CD转盘,效果更提升,比如说用PROCEED的CD/DVD转盘PMDT转盘,效果相当于与8-9万元的WADIA CD机.


AVP2关键的技术:输入Intelligent FIFO,DAC,多重智能缓冲,输出电路,音量控制,DSP结构和硬件,软件都与3万美元的`MARK LEVINSON NO.40一样. NO.40的8个声道都用极品部件,AVP2只有左右声道用NO.40一样的设计,其余声道用低一档次的部件(但用在其他厂家极品产品里).做为前立体声前级AVP2相当于至少MARK LEVINSO 380,做为DAC,AVP2相当于4000美元的CD机效果,做为AV前级, AVP2是少有能超越它的(处了老大哥NO.40)


The Proceed AVP Evolves - Introducing the AVP-2

The Proceed AVP, introduced in 1998, has proven to be one of the most popular Madrigal products ever released. There were a number of software upgrades offered for the AVP during its history, which added capabilities such as more flexible crossover settings, an eight channel configuration, two-channel 24/96 decoding for DVD-Video disc playback and many more.

We know that our customers are asking about and want DTS 6.1 ES and Dolby Surround EX. We also know that they want more than that. We know that while some customers like the simplicity of having a small number of surround modes, other customers want more surround mode choices. We know that Proceed customers want and expect the AVP to provide the best performance available in its price class. And, we know that many buyers want it all - including great construction quality, and ease of use.

We know what you want, and we have been working hard to bring it all to you.

Start from Scratch or Upgrade?

There came a time during the development of the AVP-2 when we had to choose between producing a completely new AVP platform and upgrading the existing AVP.

Designing a new AVP platform would have given us the freedom to make whatever changes we wanted, including changing the inputs/outputs offered and new video switching capabilities. Keeping the current AVP platform meant that we could offer an upgrade path to our AVP owners, something not possible were we to change to a new platform.

We chose to offer an upgrade between platforms and bring our customers with us along the way, while addressing the needs of additional video switching separately for those customers who want the extra capability. We believe our customers will find the performance of the new AVP-2 and the upgrades to their existing AVPs a very significant step forward, with some nice new features thrown in as well.

What Makes the AVP-2 Better?

As you may know, Madrigal has spent considerable time and resources developing the hardware and software for the Mark Levinson #40 Media Console. The #40 is setting new standards in terms of audio and video performance, flexibility, controllability and ease of use. The #40 is truly the ultimate home theatre component.

The #40 is much more important to Madrigal, our dealers and our customers than its value as a product alone. It is a watershed design, much like our Reference products, in that technology (both hardware and software) developed for the #40 will find application in a wide range of future Madrigal products. The first of those products was the Proceed PVP video processor and more recently, the Mark Levinson #390S CD Processor. The AVP-2 is now also a direct beneficiary of the technology used in the #40.

Technologies that were developed for the Mark Levinson #40 that are included in the AVP-2 and upgrade for the AVP include:

- DSP architecture: The #40 and all Mark Levinson Digital Processors utilise 32-bit SHARC DSP devices. The AVP previously used 24-bit Motorola devices. To gain maximum benefit from the extensive DSP-related software written for the #40 platform (such as HDCD, Surround EX, DTS ES, Dolby ProLogic II, the latest THX Ultra algorithms and other processes), the Proceed AVP-2 has migrated to the same 32-bit SHARC platform. This consolidation allows our product development process to be more efficient and timely by making DSP software portable up and down the range of Proceed and Mark Levinson products. The AVP-2 immediately benefits by inclusion of many decoding and processing capabilities developed on the #40 platform.

- Volume Control: The AVP-2 incorporates a new volume control implementation similar in performance to that used in Mark Levinson components, including the #40 Media Console and #32 Reference Preamplifier. As such, it is a high resolution, digitally controlled analogue design. Significantly, this unique analogue attenuator maintains the full performance of the AVP-2's remarkable DACs at ALL listening levels, something impossible with digital volume controls.

- Intelligent FIFO: All digital audio signals are received using Madrigal's Intelligent FIFO digital receiver technology. Previously reserved for Mark Levinson separate digital processors (including the #40), our Intelligent FIFO effectively rejects distortion-inducing jitter and maximises the performance potential of the incoming signal. A Direct Digital Synthesis (DDS) clock is implemented in the new AVP-2 platform, which controls the timing accuracy of this FIFO for all channels.

- Digital to Analogue Conversion & Output Circuitry: The AVP-2 includes all-new digital-to-analogue conversion circuitry. Like the #40, the convertor and its associated circuitry is fully capable of optimising the performance of any signal that the AVP-2 is likely to receive. The Digital to Analogue Convertors for the main L & R channels are the new AD1853s from Analogue Devices. These are multi-bit sigma-delta hybrid topology parts. This new class of DAC combines the best performance features of ladder type multi-bit (like the PCM1704) and sigma-delta convertors. The AD1853 has a differential current output stage which allows us to optimise our own current-to-voltage stage for best performance. The centre, sub and surround channels of the AVP-2 also receive new DACs, the Wolfson WM8740, which we also use in the #40 Rzones. Many manufacturers use this DAC as their premium convertor offering. These DACs are included standard in the AVP-2 in the channels mentioned, with the L & R channels benefiting from an even higher level of performance offered by the proper implementation of the AD1853s. All of the DACs in the AVP-2 are capable of processing 24/192 signals, once the formats that will send this bitstream are approved for digital transmission via an agreed upon encryption scheme. An outstanding new output buffer circuit employs similar topology and performance to that found in our best components and contributes greatly to the AVP-2's sound quality. The output buffer features remarkable immunity to adverse interactions with interconnecting cables and unusual input impedance characteristics of power amplifiers.

Qualities Brought Forward from the AVP

Ease of Use - Many complicated connection and format options tend to make surround processors difficult to use. The AVP-2 takes advantage of its computing power to automate most operations, keeping the system simple to use. Let's take one example: we call it auto-migration.

A LaserDisc player in a modern multichannel system may require as many as three separate sets of connections to the processor: an RF AC-3 connection, a normal digital connection, and an analogue pair of connections for old LaserDiscs that have only analogue soundtracks. Triple-connection confusion leaves many people squinting at the fine print on the back of their LaserDisc jackets, trying to determine which button they should press on their processor to hear the best available soundtrack.

With the AVP-2, simply press one button. All three of those connections may be associated with this single button, in the priority you have selected. Thus, the system can look for an RF AC-3 signal; if not available, it automatically migrates to the digital connection; failing a viable signal there, it moves on to the analogue connection. Each change, when necessary, takes only about a second (most of which is simply ramping the volume down and up to avoid abrupt changes in the sound).

Changing from one surround mode to another, checking the operational and decoding status of the processor, adjusting centre, surround and subwoofer levels, comparing different soundtracks (e.g. AC-3 vs. ProLogic) and much more can all be done with uncommon ease.

The AVP-2 provides a remarkable combination of flexibility and simplicity. Ease of use is one of the most important qualities of the AVP-2.

Extensive user preferences provide customisation of the system to make it work the way you want. Even little things like how the volume is displayed and where on-screen messages appear can be tailored to suit personal preferences. Default settings can automate many routine operations to further simplify day-to-day operation.

On-screen messages help you keep track of what is happening in your system. The on-screen menus simplify initial setup and keep you informed as to the status of your system by displaying messages on the television screen whenever you raise the volume, change the source, and so forth. Should you tire of seeing these little reminders, pressing the "on-screen" button on the remote will temporarily disable the on-screen messages.

With all of this flexibility, one might wonder if operation of an AVP-2 requires an advanced degree. Not so! Most day-to-day operations require only one push of a clearly labeled button, from either the front panel or the remote control. Rarely used operations might require two buttons, but even then, the process is quite intuitive. If you know how to use a light switch, you're well on your way to mastering the Proceed AVP-2.

AVP-2 Remote Control - The remote control itself is a model of simplicity. With only nine buttons (three of which are "rocker" switches allowing up or down adjustment), the AVP-2 remote control is unlikely to intimidate even the most neophyte user. Yet every major function of the AVP-2, including all of the on-screen functions, can easily be managed from this simple remote.

Broadcast Quality Video Switching - Broadcast quality video switching was first brought to consumers with the introduction of the Proceed PAV in 1993. The first product of its type ever certified by the Imaging Science Foundation for the quality of its video circuitry, the PAV established new standards of quality in video performance as well as audio performance. The AVP-2 expands upon this capability.

Video signals in the AVP-2 are isolated from the audio signals on completely separate multi-layer circuit boards featuring full power and ground planes for the superior high frequency performance essential for optimal video quality. DC restoration is employed on the main video path for true blacks rather than the washed-out greys which can result from routing the video signal through lesser circuitry. All video signals are routed by broadcast-quality video switches that are "glitch-free" and independently buffered.

The resulting video performance is quite extraordinary. The AVP-2 offers ultra wide bandwidth from input to output. The video output amplifier has a 65MHz bandwidth into 75 ohms (to ensure that it can't degrade the signal); an extremely low measured crosstalk of -97dB, with 0.03% differential gain and 0.02% differential phase response.

Since even the finest character generators degrade video performance, the AVP-2 uses a broadcast-quality video fader to bring the character generator into the video signal path only when it is needed. The circuitry used to create on-screen menus is completely bypassed when not actually displaying a message on screen, retaining the high level of video signal integrity provided by the rest of the video circuitry.

The video capabilities of the AVP-2 offer a performance level common in the broadcast industry, but unusual in consumer electronics.

We have also made accommodations in the AVP-2 (both versions) for a future high-resolution, encrypted digital interface option. Our desire is to incorporate an industry standard interface, however should an accepted standard not emerge, we are prepared to consider implementing a Madrigal-designed, proprietary interface. We cannot be certain that either of these digital input options will ever become available for the AVP-2 - it all depends on external market and industry factors. What we have done however is to ensure that if such a connection is made possible, an AVP-2 will be updatable to accept it


3.3万一劳永逸解决您的器材烦恼问题. MARK LEVINSON的高贵,中性的声音,使你完全可以不在瞎折腾CD机,前级,级别A级别V级别解码的问题.拥有MARK的产品也是一种名牌的满足.

一台普通DVD+AVP2的解决方案:自己想想,花3草万多你哪里能有可能达到3-4万元CD+4万前级的效果,外加当今世界屈指可数的A/V前级.如果你有更好的CD转盘,就是5,6,7,8万的CD效果.PROCEED PMDT_AVP2效果就相当于ML390S.


AVP2的DAC是最好的AD1853s ,与30万元的NO.40一样,音量控制也与NO.40一样完全在模拟范围内进行保证无率减,绝大多数A/V前级别用数字式音量控制,信息被大量砍掉.SACD,DVD-AUDIO机器也可以通过光线或同轴把信号送给A出V出P出2出解码, AVP2的DAC是24/192的.
左右声道是AD1853,其他声道是Wolfson WM8740.


This review is for the AVP2! This is the best proceesor I have ever heard. I have been through so many processors this year trying to find one that is good for movies and most important music and I found it. I have owned California ssp-2500, Lexicon mc-8, Meridian 568, Anthem avm20.2, Parasound c1. The worst out of that bunch was Anthem buy far. The Parasound C1 was very good along with the Meridian 568 but the Proceed with the best to me. There are no bugs its easy to setup and the DAC are awesome to say the least. You can take a $200 dvd player to a digital input on the Proceed and it will sound just like a $4000 one. There no relay clicking just pure sounding music. This is a better preamp then my old Conrad Johnson preamp.

2 channel music.
7.1 movies.
No bugs


Similar Products Used:
California ssp-2500, Lexicon mc-8, Meridian 568, Anthem avm20.2, Parasound c1



Product Model Year:

Well, I did it! I went for the upgrade! In a past review I knocked my AVP for certain software bugs and for being a bit bass shy. I guess I mistook the amount of bass present for a lack of articulation. It turns out my migration from An Integra+Musical Fidelity Monoblocks+Veritas 2.4 system to the then present AVP+Levinson 23.5+Revel F30 system was to blame. I was missing the tunefullness of the Veritas' when listening to Acoustic/Upright Bass passages. F30s being the picky little buggers they are were giving me the one note samba until.....THE UPGRADE.

EVERYTHING just got better. I kid you not.I was so intrigued I started grabbing speakers from my other systems just to check it out. Maggies check, Dynaudio Contours check old 600 series B&Ws check. Yup. I was having a blast.

I got a great deal on a Levinson No.332 and WOW again! Friends with much more expensive dedicated (2 channel) systems have come over and expressed disbelief at the synergy of my system. I'm now beaming with that sickening proud soccer dad smile. Anyway, the upgrade has proved well worth it, besides i guess this is the closest I'll ever get to owning a Levinson DAC. The killer is for all intents and purposes I get one heck of a quiet, neutral pre-amp and AV Processor to boot!

As far as Redbook goes, I have yet to hear any CD player or Transport DAC and Pre-Amp combos that can compare to my Sony cheapo SACD player AVP2 at the same price point. It totally puts my Arcam CD92 ARC LS16 mk.2 to shame. Kudos to Proceed. I wish you didn't have to close shop and i hope that Madrigal will keep their promise and continue to offer upgrades albeit under the Levinson brand name because those Lexicons just are not as good.

Name it

Spoils you way too much

"......................CD的表现,我还没有听过有任何一款CD机或CD/DAC组合能和我的便宜的SONY SACD机)翻译AVP2的组合比美,它完全让
的ARCAM CD92($2000美元)$2000美元), ARC LS16 mk.2等CD机敢到羞耻...."

有兴趣的发到: wow_guru@hotmail.com
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