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『宝丽金档案』宝丽金的五十年来最高销量大碟! [复制链接]


muyi8334 在 2005-7-9 14:32:32 发表的内容
clk 在 2005-7-9 14:12:54 发表的内容



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地球虽然称地球,实则水球  :)
玩球收购宝记,要称霸全世界,但大家都说他出的DD有水份了  :(

xinxin92 在 2005-7-11 10:09:59 发表的内容

真未见过    真牛呀!
是真原宝?  不是水球?


xinxin92 在 2005-7-13 10:00:08 发表的内容
  1979年,Philips和Sony公司结盟联合开发CD-DA(Compact Disc-Digital Audio,精密光盘数字音频)标准。Philips已经是开发了商业的激光唱盘播放器,Sony旗下则有十几年的数字记录技术研究经验。当它们就规范单一的音频技术进行协定时,这两个公司陷入了争吵——这就引入了潜在的不兼容的音频激光盘格式。

  最早的CD (Compact Disk),系1980年由Philips与Sony所发表的,原来只是为了家电消费市场所设计的,当初并没有想到CD将来可以用于电脑的用途,因为那时候连286的电脑都还没有,当时电脑的资料储存还在5.25寸的磁片阶段,连3.5寸的磁碟都还没发明呢。
    CD光碟机起始于1980年,由荷兰的Philips公司与日本的Sony合作所发表的音乐光碟(Audio CD),亦称为CD-DA (Digital Audio),从此之后,因其它媒体市场的发展而连续推出一系列的光碟规格与产品。
    CD-DA激光唱盘虽然赢得了成功,但由于事先没有制定统一的标准,使它的开发和制作一开始就陷入昂贵的资金投入中。1982年,由飞利浦公司和索尼(Sony)公司制定了CD-DA激光唱盘的红皮书(Red Book)标准。由此,一种新型的激光唱盘诞生了。


你还是弄清楚英文 (P)   &   (C) 的意思再说吧!
我说, (P)   &   (C) 1980年是着辑唱片最初出版发行的日期,也就是出版黑胶唱片和磁带的时间而已!
我的CD中还有写(P)   &   (C) 1956、1958、1960的呢!

xinxin92 在 2005-7-13 23:39:39 发表的内容

哈哈,也请你弄清楚英文 (P)   &   (C) 的意思再说吧!
知道(C) 是什么意思吗?

©是Copy Right的缩写,“版权所有”的意思

《世界版权公约》于1952年在日内瓦缔结, 1955年生效。《世界版权公约》的日常事务由联合国教科文组织管理。到2001年,有98个成员国。


帖子里的©是用MS Word打出来的,利用Word的插入“符号”里面就有符号©。

xinxin92 在 2005-7-18 8:35:26 发表的内容


其实是"Phonogram rights "的缩写.


What is a copyright notice?
A piece of text which accompanies a work and expresses the rights and wishes of the owner(s).

Do I need a notice?
It is strongly recommended that you include one on your work, it will:

Announce that copyright exists in the work.
Make it clear who is the owner.
Deter infringement.
By having a copyright notice you are helping to prevent infringement occurring.

Where should the notice be placed?
The rule to adopt is to ensure that anyone with access to your work is aware of the copyright. If your work can be broken up into several pieces, then the notice should appear on each part. If it would normally be viewed as a whole then one will suffice.

If you are writing a book, you should only need one inside the front cover.
Leaflets, commercial documents, etc. should have one on each item.
Web pages should have one on every page.
In the music industry, one is placed on the CD, cassette or LP itself, and one is included on any accompanying sleeve or booklet.
Photographs and designs will have one at the bottom or on the reverse of the work
Manuscripts: A single notice on the front will normally suffice.
Include acknowledgements for any images, excerpts etc. that you have used which are not your own, and ensure that you obtain permission before you use anyone else’s work.

What does a notice consist of?
Some countries will not accept the symbol alone, they also require the word Copyright to appear in order to consider the notice valid. Using the word ensures that there can be no confusion.

The normally recognised symbol. Most countries across the world accept this as the correct manner of displaying copyright.

Year of publication
In case of a dispute of ownership of a work, the date plays an important part. If your work was developed and published before any potential opponents then you can usually expect to win any case which challenges your rights.

In the case of work which is continually updated, (for example a web site), the year of publication may be shown as a period from first publication until the most recent update, (i.e. 2000-2004)

Copyright owner’s name
This may only be one person, or it may be a collective, a band, group or team for example.

If there is one person who owns the rights to a work, then his/her name will appear on its own. If however, your work is owned by several people then you may choose to include the name of each member of the collective, or include the name of the collective itself.

This would give your copyright notice the following appearance: Copyright © 2004 Bobby Smith.

Title of work (optional)
You may wish to include this if you have several small works under one title. You can put either the overall title of the work or the title of the smaller work in the notice. The title is normally placed at the beginning.

Phonogram rights in sound recordings  
Sound recordings have a right separate from the underlying musical composition, and a sound recordings should carry a phonogram copyright notice (denoted by the P in a circle) for the recording itself. The standard © notice should also be used, but in the case of sound recordings this is used to protect the cover design, lyric sheets or other printed material included with the sound recording.

In our example, this would give the appearance of the notice as Copyright © 2004 Bobby Smith,  2004 Bobby Smith.

Tip: On most computers the  symbol can be found within the Webdings font.

The information you have read so far gives you the minimum that both the Universal Copyright Convention and the UK Copyright Service suggest you include in your copyright notice. You may also wish to increase your notice in order to clarify any further wishes you have as the copyright owner, this is dealt with in the following sections.

Extending your copyright notice
Why extend your notice?
In some cases you may wish to permit certain activities, in others you may wish to make it clear that you are withholding all rights, or require the user to apply for a licence to carry out certain actions. To do this you should include a statement that explicitly sets out these terms, the statement should appear as a sentence after the copyright notice.

Wording your statement
There are several items to think about when wording your statement. Decide in relation to your work, what you wish to permit. Be specific in your wording, make it clear what you will allow and what is prohibited.

Probably the best starting place is to think from the point of view of withholding all rights and then carefully word any allowances as exceptions, making sure it is clear that these are the only allowances you will make.

Here are some areas to consider:

Copying, duplication, reproduction
The right to produce a copy of the work

Do you wish certain groups to be able to copy your work? if so what terms would you attach?

Selling, hiring
Normally this would be expressly forbidden without the copyright holders consent.

You may for example have written a shareware program which you will allow to be duplicated and distributed freely so long as you are identified as the author.

Commercial or personal use
Will you allow your work to be used differently by certain groups or individuals?

Educational or private study use is generally permitted under law in any case, but you may want to allow copying for private use but not for commercial gain.

For software, commercial and educational documents in particular, the copyright notice may carry information about obtaining a licence to reproduce the work.

By not obtaining a licence, use of the work may be considered in breach of copyright.

Right to be identified as the author
If for example, the work is distributed without your control, you will wish to ensure that you are still identified as the author/copyright owner.

Note: Acts done in the course of private research or study, criticism or news reporting do not normally constitute an infringement.

Examples of copyright statements
All rights reserved
A simple cover all statement. This is the most commonly used statement, and perhaps the clearest, and covers most eventualities. It simply means that you withhold all rights to the maximum extent allowable under law.

Any unauthorised broadcasting, public performance, copying or re-recording will constitute an infringement of copyright.
Another cover all statement, this one is designed for use on sound recordings, but can easily be adapted to apply to other types of work.

The wording makes it clear that the authors rights are taken very seriously. For maximum effect you can combine (a) and (b).

Permission granted to reproduce for personal and educational use only. Commercial copying, hiring, lending is prohibited.
For businesses and organisations this kind of statement can be of mutual benefit as allowing reproduction may help to promote their message.

May be used free of charge. Selling without prior written consent prohibited. Obtain permission before redistributing. In all cases this notice must remain intact.
This is the type of notice often used for software distributed as "freeware" or "shareware", by specifying that the copyright notice remains intact you ensure that all copies will identify you as the author.

Remember, copyright notices are straightforward statements, there is no need to get tied up with legal jargon, the point is to state your wishes clearly and succinctly.

Additional deterrent against infringement
Notice of registration
UKCS clients are also permitted to state that their work is registered.

This is an additional deterrent against infringement, by displaying the notice, you demonstrate that you are aware of your rights, that you take your rights seriously, and that you have very strong evidence with which to pursue a case if your work is infringed.

The notice would normally appear next to or below the copyright notice and state. ‘This work is registered with the UK Copyright Service.’ You may also include your registration number if you wish.
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