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一次不太严谨的,电源线对比测试中的一个惊人发现。 [复制链接]


本主题由 版主 eric 于 2021/6/16 11:40:44 执行 设置精华/取消 操作
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看到楼主的贴,刚好昨晚看德国对葡萄牙前看到一个英国专业线材提供商的网站的内容,可以回复,不过最好自己用翻译软件看看,我复制英文原文,如懂英文可以自己看看了解:Simple Answers:
Feature for May/June 2017

Household cable cannot improve the cabling from the power station and up the street, so how does it affect sound?

I was asked how a few metres of power cable can impact cabling from the power station and up the street. Well, it doesn’t. Yet power cable has a huge impact on system performance, and here’s why:

When a surveyor uses theodolite, its resolution depends on the stability of the tripod and the ground;-ground tremors or tripod vibration come between theodolite telescope and target, and so reduce resolution.

Similarly the resolution with which audio information is transferred from one item in a system to another is dependent on how stable the relationship between kit is. If the mains system provides a stable link and eliminates noise and electrical resonance between chassis, then audio is transferred with high resolution.

And the thing about power station cabling? The theodolite and its target work with high resolution despite spinning on the globe and around the sun at 460 meters per second. Whilst the link between source and target is stable then resolution is maintained, despite what happens outside the system.

Similarly, whilst the cable structure connecting audio equipment together is made to be stable, noise reducing and resonance free, resolution is maintained. And this is exactly what Studio Connections Cable does.
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