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你家有良好的地线吗?请从速检查! [复制链接]


A proper ground wire made at home is like this.

Burry one big copper rod into the ground of depth say at least
2 to 3 meter.(depands on the soil is wet or dry).

Along with the copper rod, get lots of salt surround the copper
rod or bar. Lead a heavy guage wire from the rod to you houe
and is done. Better still, pour water into the copper rod before
covering with soil.

If at household, water pipe is the only way as ground wire.
However, most of the wire connected to the pipe would
oxidised that eventually become bad contact and this contact
is actually a semiconductor, a rectifier, a diode that will induce
high frequency from the air. At this time, the pipe is a big
antenna collecting radio wave.

To solve the problem, you have to redone the contact by using
sand paper to sand away the surface oxidations of the pipe
and the clamp. By doing this, there will be much less resistance
by the contact point.
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