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天朗扬声器用家专栏。 [复制链接]


I have been using ARC LS2 + Plinius SA100 with Turnberry, sounds heavenly. Just tried a pair of Vincent (Shengya in China) 991, I have to say that it's as good as any hi-end amps I have used before.
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[quote]秋水 在 2004-6-2 8:47:52 发表的内容


Yes, and I have been living in China for quite a few years. I can read Chinese, but can't type any. I apologize for not being able to use your language to post.
It's really difficult to get Turnberry here in US, Tannoy isn't a popular hi-end name here. Their North America distributor is in Canada. I think Tannoy can safely give up NA market, China alone should be able to keep this company alive and thrive.
I am also planning to try Dared tube amps from China, VP-300b single ended looks really cute, and given Turnberry's 93dB sensitivity, it shouldn't be a problem. Chinese tube amps are getting more attention here, bad news is they are also getting more expensive.
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