http://www.michaelgreenaudio.com/,以及SYSTUNE架子的设计者MICHAEL GREEN先生,今天本地一位懂英语的朋友尝试和该公司的主事者Michael Green先生进行了联系,没想到很快得到了他本人的答复,同时也应该是代表了他们公司的官方答复,内容如下,懂英文的朋友可以尝试翻译一下:
This is an offical letter from Michael Green of MGA/RoomTune INC. It sadens me to say this but it appears that the China market is involved in piracy. Tara Labs Far East has not placed an order with MGA in over 15 years, and Systune I haven't known about until now. It's a disgrace to the audio community to have such terrible acts committed against us the original designers. There is no way these products can perform up to the levels of the originals unless the same attention is given to the curing process and the particular tooling speeds of our machinery, plus the special formula of our brass which is known by only one machinest in the USA.
My wish is that all audiophiles have the same oppertunies to have the desired sound that we involved in the "Tune" have. This sound comes from one place and would be hard to dublicate outside of it's particulars. If your having tonal or pitch problems with your audio system this could be why. You are using product that has not been properly voiced.
I would be happy to talk to your press in China if you would like to forward them to me or you may publish this statement in your audio journals yourself.
Clients who wish to purchase "real" audio products can contact me personally at
michael@michaelgreenaudio.com or
mgtune@yahoo.com . I would also recommend that you and your friends join us on the offical forum
http://tuneland.techno-zone.net/ and you can visit my archive forum at
www.tuneland.info . I would be thrilled to provide China with the "real" products and show you the latest in tuning.
michael green