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cross-strait relations, he was mainly reflect the will of Ma Ying-jeou, but he and Zhang Zhijun, cross-strait affairs department heads met for the first time, this is indeed historic." Wang Zhiguo to Beijing News reporter expressed. For Wang Yu Qi's resignation, the Taiwan leader Ma Ying-jeou's office said Wang Yu Qi is very good MAC chairwoman, competent performance, promote cross-strait exchanges two years seriously institutionalized and normalized. Whether Ma Ying-jeou approved the resignation of Wang Yu Qi? Wang Zhiguo believe that the possibility of the resignation approved horse is still very large,hogan donna, already at the beginning of public disclosure Wang Yu Qi may resign in the first half, we have been expected after the election in the prosecution not to prosecute Chang Hsien-yao resignation, but Wang Yu Qi chosen a more appropriate point of it. Ma Ying-jeou certainly work for Wang Yu Qi, Wang Zhiguo pointed out, both for Ma Ying-jeou or Wang Yu Qi, such a statement is equivalent to one kind of test the waters and see all of the reactions.
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on issues related to cross-strait affairs and not as likely to be more negative. Beijing News reporter Wang Xiaofeng (Original title: TAO: I hope that does not affect the mechanism of personnel changes in the operation of MAC) EdOriginal title: Tainan earthquake: Man trapped were rescued 56 hours to complete the left leg amputatedFebruary 7th, the Lunar New Year's Eve,golden goose milano, Taiwan's various rescue team in Taiwan Metropark crown insisted site building collapsed overnight rescue work. China news agency reporters Liu Shu and Ling SheBEIJING,moncler doudoune, February 8, according to Taiwan, "Central News Agency" reports,scarpe hogan outlet, rescue workers rescued 8th at 12 am trapped in Tainan City Crown Victoria Building, 56 hours more than 40 year-old man Li Zongdian. At 3 pm, Li Zongdian amputations complete, turn into the intensive care unit for observation. Li Zongdian girlfriend has died.At 3:57 on the 6th, in Kaohsiung in southern Taiwan Richter 6.7 earthquake, the building collapsed from Tainan more inclined to become the hardest hit by the earthquake. Tainan Yongkang District "Dragon Crown Victoria" 16-storey building completely collapsed.Crown Victoria Building rescuers 7th 13:00 pm on the 6th floor.
cross-strait affairs department heads in charge of visits and held several meetings on a number of important issues cross-Straits relations and cross-strait relations in exchange opinion, this is a new progress in cross-strait exchanges in the political progress made. "We believe that the personnel changes should not affect the operation of the mechanism. Zhang visit Kinmen on issues,air max pas cher pour femme, we hope the Taiwan Affairs Office and the MAC will continue to maintain communication." For Wang Yu Qi resignation will affect the mutual establishment of cross-strait affairs department office, Ma Xiaoguang of the Beijing News reporter said that between the two sides in promoting the issues addressed so far are ongoing,hogan saldi, including the mutual establishment of offices in the negotiations.   Related Links Expert: Ma Ying-jeou is likely to approve the resignation of Wang Yu Qi 10, Taiwan's Mainland Affairs Council chairman Wang Yu Qi due to inability to agree with the prosecution not to prosecute the former deputy chairman of the Mainland Affairs Council Laid Chang Hsien-yao, and announced his resignation, the Taiwan leader Ma Ying-jeou will approve his resignation? Wang Yu Qi with cross-strait relations will resign to what effect? will affect cross-strait affairs authorities responsible for dialogue? in this regard, the Beijing News reporter interviewed the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences,ua, deputy director of the Taiwan Institute of political Wang Zhiguo room. Wang Yu Qi reflect the will of Ma Ying-jeou September 2012, Wang Yu Qi has served as chairman of the Mainland Affairs Council, and at the first meeting and the National Taiwan Affairs Office Director Zhang Zhijun cross-strait affairs department heads last year. "Mainland Affairs Council chairman Wang Yu Qi any more than two years.

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