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肯德基 [复制链接]


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回复 16# 和谐花园 的帖子

It is not clear when Kempff made his last recordings.
There were several Bach recordings dated by Deutsche
Gramophon as 1976, but the dates specify only when the
recording engineers made the final mixing of the master
tapes, which may have been later than the date the
pianist was in the studio. There is a recording of excerpts
from Bach's Well-Tempered Klavier which is dated in
this way as 1980 and a recording of Mozart's Piano
Concerti 21 and 22 dated 1982. But it is just as probable
that Kempff retired from making recordings in 1976,
when he was eighty-one. He lived until age 95 and died
on 1991 May 23 in Positano, Italy, where he had his
summer home and taught master classes. Excerpts from
one have been preserved on disc. His passing truly marks
the end of the days when giants of musicians walked the
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