- 论坛学士
- 46
- 71
- 2010-09-04
发表于 2013-02-03 00:31
原帖由 marktwo 于 2013-2-2 22:49:00 发表 避震梁曾经给我一张TEST CD唱片 第四首,女歌手从左边箱子后面往中间一点点,然后慢慢走到右边,中间没有漏洞的感觉!诺亚方舟更加明显的效果!
| Test CD 第4首应是:国王与我第20首"Shall we dance?"吧! 尤伯连纳与Constance的3D音像定位就像在您眼前打圈跳华尔兹…
http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_4df2a7230100btae.html Track Name Player Duration Purpose1. Meditation Stradivarius on Gold 4’59 violin2. Hungarian Rhapsody Living Stereo 8'40 classic3. Send in the clowns Bill Henderson 5'50 jazz vocal4. Shall we dance? The King & I 5'03 vocal 5. When I dream Carol Kidd 4'28 definition6. Julsang Cantate Domino 4'15 ambience 7. Yradier V de Los Angeles 4'49 soprano, width8. Noye’s Fludde Track 5 Britten 6'06 opera9. Tradition Fiddler on the Roof 6’54 opera10. 三國幻想曲 鬼太鼓 9’01 deepbass drum11. Sonic Madness Telarc Test CD 6’49 dynamic surround