回复: 刚买了CYRUS 8VS2
用8vs2來推ATC SCM11是可以的, 8vs2是What HiFi 2007年度最佳功放得主(750-1500英磅組別), 而ATC SCM11則是同屆最佳揚聲器(500-1000英磅)的得主!
在該期雜誌中, 推介組合也是建議由8vs2配上SCM11! 文中指出SCM11是偏向忠誠還原原音的揚聲器之類別. 因此與Cyrus的哲學是相近的. 節原文如下:
"There are two camps when it comes to hi-fi. The frist group beleves music replay should be all about enjoyment - that is to say, the best kit is the most entertaining. ATC belong in the second camp, which thinks hi-fi is about being as faithful as possible to the original signal, irrespective of whether the results sound nice or not. If you side with ATC, you'll adore the SCM 11s"
"Although the 8vs2 isn't a powerhouse, it will give the ATCs the clean , crisp signal they thrive on"
- pp.99 What Hi-Fi Award 2007
"If it ain't broke, what's there to fix? Just like last year, the ATCs remain the Cryus' perfect partner"
- pp.85 What Hi-Fi Award 2007