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以下是国外用家在的音响BBS上发的对这套管子的听感贴子,英语还可以的兄弟可以参考一下。我也是看了这些介绍后禁不住去买了两套来玩。以我的实际听感来看,说得比较准确的。相比之下原来的EH 6550根本不能插回去听了:

"These genuine TUNG SOL 6550 tubes have a wonderful sound quality and clarity which is unobtainable with any other currently manufactured 6550 tube, and matches or betters the sound of the vintage TUNG SOL 6550 tubes.
Two of my audiophile friends and I recently conducted a listening test of these New Issue Tung Sol 6550 tubes against vintage Tung Sol 6550 tubes in a dual McIntosh MC60 setup.  All three of us agreed that these new issue Tung Sol 6550s sounded better than the vintage Tung Sols.  This was a blind test...we did not know which tubes we were listening to until the test was over.
On a personal note, I have been using these same model tubes in my two McIntosh MC60 amps, and the sound is absolutely amazing.  In my system, I cannot tell the difference between vintage Tung Sol 6550 tubes and these new Tung Sol 6550 tubes, and I have very good ears for that sort of thing."

"Sandy, tubes arrived yesterday.  I just got over to pick them up.  Very well packed.  Thank you.
I just installed them in my Cary Rocket 88 amp.  I am going to leave them playing for 48 hours before I make a critical judgement but I can tell you that right out of the box they sound great!!"__  John A., Freehold, NJ

"After testing these tubes for several days,these new production Tung Sol 6550 tubes have become more wonderful.  I installed a quad in my Cary Rocket 88 and am absolutely delighted at their performance!
I had previously used Ruby KT-88 and Electro Harmonic KT-88 and most recently I was using some NOS GE 6550 tubes that the Tung Sol have now replaced.
The new production Tung Sol better these tubes in every significant way.  I hear more depth, more extension and more punch.
These tubes are the best tubes I have ever used in this amp.  They are just more musical.  These tubes are a winner for sure!!  Send me more..."  __  John A., Freehold, NJ

"The 6550 Tung-Sols you sent are incredible.  I placed them in my 81 JCM800 Marshall and the Tone is to die for!  I have used many tubes in this amp and none sounded as tight and punchy as these TungSols.  The amp has never sounded so good.  Thanks for the great tubes!"  __  Luciano D., PTP-Tubeamprepair, Boston, MA

"I removed the Chinese made 6550 tubes from my Sunn amp and installed your Tung Sol 6550s. The sound has now been restored to what I remember it was when new.  Thank you!"__  Roger M., Decatur, GA

"My McIntosh amps have regained the punch and smoothness that was lost when I needed to replace the output tubes a few years ago..
I am very pleased and would like to purchase another four tubes for replacements in another amp". __ Bill R., San Diego, CA


 TUNGSOL 6550的复刻可以说是最让人兴奋的消息。音响界几乎把老TUNGSOL 6550看成是五极管之王,与GEC金狮KT88一样,是管机爱好者的终极梦幻逸品。
 美国NEW SENSOR集团在一系列复刻名管计划中,当然也锁定这支梦寐以求的名管。在取得商标与原产线相同的制程与设计之后,移师到俄罗斯的圣彼得堡,利用当地优质工程人力与世界一流的老OTK技术支持,成功复刻了1960年代的传奇,TUNGSOL 6550。
 TUNGSOL 6550最大外观特色,就是葫芦瓶身,水银化合物涂布于瓶身两侧与顶盖,外观相当美丽。新的复刻版,秉持原原本本展现老管特色的要求,真空处理与内部金属材料,乃至于玻璃瓶身材质与厚度,甚至接脚焊锡比例,都依照原管的技术手册来执行。而新世纪的工厂管理与更严苛的测试,也让复刻版更具有高信赖度与完成度。连包装都完全依照就有印刷来执行,质感非常好。
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