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Vagina civilization [复制链接]

Vagina civilization1


Anonymous Composers
Carmina burana( 12th CENTURY )

指挥:Rene Clemencic
表演者:Clemencic Cosort
发行公司:Harmonia Mundi 190336.38 3CD

尽管现在博伦伊之歌作为卡尔-奥尔夫的舞台清唱剧(1936年)而知名,事实上这个名称是由一个叫Johann Andras Schmeller的人命名的,它实际上是12世纪拉丁和早期德国歌曲的一个集子,这部作品早在1847年就已经完成。奥尔夫在他的伯伦伊之歌清唱剧里面使用了这个集子里面的些许片段。



Rene Clemencic
最后编辑Vagina_civilization 最后编辑于 2009-08-01 13:48:04
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Vagina civilization(2)

Hildegard of Bingen:Antiphons (12th CENTURY)

Director:Benjamin Bagby
Year record:1993
Label:Deutsche Harmonia Mundi 05472 773202

Born in 1098,Hildegard entered a combined Benedictine monastery and nunnery near Worms in the Rhineland at the age of fourteen and become abbess there in 1136.Seeking the freedom to reform practices within her order,she later moved,with a group of followers,to a new sanctuary at Rupertsberg,near Bingen.The new institution gradually gained recognition and Hildegard was officially aknowledged as the abbess in 1163.

Hildegard was particularly famous for the visions that she had experienced from her early years(although modern scholarship may attribute such a claim to her epileptic mature),and her output,both musical and literary,is said to have resulted from what saw in her visions.Hildegard’s musical compositions include seventy-seven vocal works(of which forty-three are antiphons);these are often collectively known as Symphonia armonie celestium rvelationum.(An antiphon is a chant”sung against” a psalm in the Divine Office,often in the manner of a refrain between the verses of psalm.) Although Hildegard must have composed her antiphons with particular church feasts in mind,it is almost impossible now to allocate each to an exact occasion.

Among the several available recordings,Sequentia’s is highly recommendable.The group,which specializes in medieval music,has released several CDs of Hildegard’s legacy(four in addition to the one listed here).They interweave the beauty of refined yet natual voices with period instruments.This recording includes eight of Hildegard’s antiphons,among which”0 virga mediatrix” is supported by a harp while”Cum processit factura” is accompanied by two fiddles. The result is a superbly mystic atmosphere.

最后编辑Vagina_civilization 最后编辑于 2009-08-02 16:35:18
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