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重磅消息:英国猛牌收购乐圣 [复制链接]

刚刚在what hifi上面看到的,希望两个品牌运作的越来越好!http://www.whathifi.com/news/monitor-audio-acquires-roksan-audio
Two well-known names in British hi-fi are joining forces...
It may not bag the same headlines as Samsung buying Harman for $8 billion but in the audio world, Monitor Audio acquiring Roksan is a pretty big deal.

Monitor Audio announced the news in a Facebook post, which claimed there was "incredible synergy" between the two companies' product ranges.

The post stated, "Like Monitor Audio, Roksan is a British company committed to superior audio performance with a reputation for design excellence, premium quality and exceptional value... We are excited about the possibilities this acquisition offers."

Monitor Audio, which began life in Cambridge but now operates out of Essex, is well known not just in the UK but around the globe, primarily for its speaker ranges, notably the multi-Award-winning Bronze speakers.

Roksan has its HQ in London and having made its name with turntables, such as the Radius (the company recently revealed a pink model), now turns its hand to electronics and speakers.
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音箱:卓丽 比家
功放:hegel h200
CD机:君子 apollo

音箱:卓丽 比家
功放:hegel h200
CD机:君子 apollo

回复 4楼kkhuang的帖子

我曾经是ROKSAN KANDY的用家,说实话至少是物有所值,同价位这个品牌还坚持英国本土生产,已属不易,而且声音比较温暖,有品位。monitor audio的声音是比较现代、清爽的,两者相结合,风格应该比较互补。总而言之,这两个品牌我都比较看好。
音箱:卓丽 比家
功放:hegel h200
CD机:君子 apollo
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