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谁愿意转让阿卡多这套莫扎特奏鸣曲 [复制链接]

大概10年前在外文书店处理唱片时发现了这套一直在寻找的阿卡多与卡尼诺合作演奏的莫扎特奏鸣曲全集,遗憾的当时只有这两张。有谁收全了的,愿意转让吗?或者帮助刻录一下其它几集,本人愿意支付费用或者赠送唱片作为酬谢。也就是在购买这套唱片时,当时看到一套EMI Toshiba出的LD,觉得实在是太贵了,420元/张LD。这是我听过的莫扎特小提琴奏鸣曲最喜欢的版本之一,主要是听钢琴。卡尼诺的钢琴比阿卡多的小提琴精彩得多。此外,沙汉姆兄妹组合演奏的莫扎特小提琴钢琴奏鸣曲,沙妹的钢琴也是比哥哥的小提琴精彩。
Arccador Canino.jpg (, 下载次数:254)

jpg(2009/1/22 21:52:55 上传)

Arccador Canino.jpg

最后编辑channelchina 最后编辑于 2009-01-22 21:54:25
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www.channelclassics.com (试听300多款录音片段)
http://shop34588457.taobao.com/ (网上购买)

原帖由 kreisler 于 2009-1-23 8:05:00 发表

Bruno CaninoBruno Canino (December 30th 1935) is an Italian classical pianist and composer. 1935出生于意大利那不勒斯的钢琴家 作曲家。最先从事独奏,后来以弹伴奏出名。看看以下详细介绍

Bruno Canino was born in Naples, Italy in 1935, where he studied piano with Vincenzo Vitale. He continued his musical education in Milan, studying both piano and composition. His teachers included Enzo Calace and Bruno Bettinelli. In 1956 and again in 1958 he won prizes at the Bolzano international piano competition and in 1960 at the Darmstadt competition.
CareerCanino quickly established an international reputation, not only as a soloist but also as a chamber musician and an accompanist. Among those with whom he has appeared are the violinists Itzhak Perlman, Salvatore Accardo, Viktoria Mullova, Pierre Amoyal and Uto Ughi and the cellist Lynn Harrell. He is the pianist of the celebrated Trio di Milano, together with the violinist Mariana Sirbu and cellist Rocco Filippini.
He has been an enthusiastic advocate of contemporary music. Among the composers who have dedicated works to him are including Luciano Berio, Mauricio Kagel, Wolfgang Rihm and Iannis Xenakis. He has also composed a number of solo and chamber works for piano.
From 1999 to 2001 he was music director of the Biennale di Venezia.

RecordingsAmong Canino's notable recordings are the Bach Goldberg Variations, the complete piano works of Alfredo Casella and the first recording on compact disk of the complete piano works of Debussy. His duo recital with Viktoria Mullova of works by Prokofiev, Ravel, and Stravinsky was awarded the Edison Prize. In 1980, he recorded piano rarities by Rossini and Donizetti on a Bösendorfer Imperial Grand for the Japanese Camerata label.
www.channelclassics.com (试听300多款录音片段)
http://shop34588457.taobao.com/ (网上购买)

原帖由 水天堂 于 2009-1-23 8:26:00 发表
录音时间1988年1月在罗马的Bracciano. 录音非常好,如果按照中国音响发烧友的偏好,那么这录音可是松香味呛鼻子,演奏者的呼吸声简直就是哮喘。主要是演奏太精彩了。阿巴多还是很棒的,只是二者相比之下,魅力更多出在卡尼诺手下。录音有点今天意大利Fone唱片公司的录音风格,不过黑胶唱片味更浓。这是一张演奏录音都很好的唱片。小提琴钢琴奏鸣曲,这种组合本身就不存在主次之分,二者都是同等重要,有主次之分也是在音乐的演奏中音乐决定的,这就是为什么原文写的是sonatas for the violin and the piano 而不是Sonata for the violin at the accompaniment of the piano.就这点而言,这二位的演奏是化二为一,完美第体现了这种奏鸣曲的整体性(音乐、演奏和音响上的同一中的独立)。
www.channelclassics.com (试听300多款录音片段)
http://shop34588457.taobao.com/ (网上购买)
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