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GARDINER 巴赫康塔塔全集已出齐! [复制链接]

最后编辑和谐花园 最后编辑于 2013-03-01 11:23:31
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Gardiner records the St John Passion and Brahms Requiem
Whilst we enjoy the recently-released final fruits of their mammoth Bach Cantata Series John Eliot Gardiner and the Monteverdi Choir certainly haven't let the grass grow, continuing their explorations of Bach with a St John Passion scheduled for release on SDG this coming April. Gardiner's earlier version of the work (from the mid-eighties) has become something of a landmark in the piece's recorded history, so it will be interesting to discover how the intervening years (and of course that epic pilgrimage) have affected his vision. And hot on the heels of his Brahms Symphonies, Gardiner also has a German Requiem in the pipeline for 2011: his recent Brahms discs have received particular acclaim for the burnished and insightful performances of the short choral works coupled with the symphonies, so this promises to be something really quite special indeed. More details on both when we have them!


J.S Bach
Lenneke Ruiten, Meg Bragle, Andrew Tortise and Dietrich Henschel
The Monteverdi Choir / John Eliot Gardiner

  • Cantatas for Ascension Day
  • [1-11] Gott fähret auf mit Jauchzen BWV 43
  • [12-17] Wer da gläubet und getauft wird BWV 37
  • [18-22] Auf Christi Himmelfahrt allein BWV 128
  • [23-33] Lobet Gott in seinen Reichen BWV 11
Recorded in the City of London in 2012, this album features the missing cantatas from the Bach Cantata Pilgrimage: the Ascension Cantatas.
They were recorded live at St Giles Cripplegate (one of our original Pilgrimage venues) in two concerts entirely funded by the generosity of hundreds of donors across the world, following a heartfelt appeal from british comedian Alexander Armstrong.
The quartet of soloists include one of the original Pilgrimage soloists, bass Dietrich Henschel, alongside a new generation of Bach interpreters who have worked with the ensembles since 2000 – making this recording a "bridge" between a Bach tradition started 13 years ago and today.
The Ascension Oratorio “Lobet Got in seinen Reichen” (BWV11) is a heart-warming, uplifting work. Beginning and ending with two grand festive choruses, it is full of rhythmic swagger, jazz-like nonchalance, stratospheric glitter for the high trumpet and vocal acrobatics for the choir.
“Gott Fahret auf mit Jauchzen” (BWV43) opens with a glorious, unconventional introduction with high trumpets and drums, and continues with a sequence reminiscent of the opera seria of its time. "Wer da glaubit und getauft wird" (BWV37) focuses on the words of Jesus to his followers and starts with a gentle chorus of choir and orchestra of strings and oboe d’amore. "Auf Christi Himmelfahrt allein" (BWV128) features festive opening and closing movements celebrating Christ’s majesty.
SDG185 is packaged in our usual high quality bookcase. It contains a 32 pages booklet with original notes by Sir John Eliot Gardiner, and sung texts in German and English.
最后编辑和谐花园 最后编辑于 2013-03-01 11:27:52
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