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Fidelity magazine of Germany holding on to the the iPHONO. [复制链接]

Fidelity magazine of Germany holding on to the the iPHONO.
Even as of today, only in Germany, vinyl is still more popular than digital. It is the only audio market where this aberration exists. So it is fair to say that they are fanatical about their vinyl.
Watch this nifty Fidelity editorial introducing their latest edition including the iPHONO...
Cai Brockman in the YouTube video officially confirmed Fidelity’s very well-respected editor, Mr Roland Kraft refused to return the iPHONO after the review, as he could not possibly part with it! There is a downside to making exceptional products, they don’t come back…

最后编辑ifiaudio 最后编辑于 2013-06-28 10:36:56
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