原帖由 无难 于 2014-4-16 15:41:00 发表 天藏同学在做唱头?厉害哈 |
The audition of the Turtle is almost complete.
I must tell you that the Turtle is THE ONE HELL OF A CARTRIDGE and performs like a perfect cartridge with our turntable, tonearm, and phono amp system.
Its dynamic shading is almost real life-like.
Its frequency extension and definition (both bass and treble) are outstanding.
Soundstage development is wi~~~der and de~~~eper than I could imagine.
At the same time, instrumental localization is really precise.
Tonality is truthful and not grainy.
Only minor deficiency is the tiny lack of the ultimate texture and detail in the midrange frequency, but its overall resolution belongs, needless to say, to the top class.
Taking its retail price into account, this is really an extraordinary cartridge.