这根是其入门的Equator 2.0喇叭线,在千元价位提供了不错的做工和圆润温暖的音色,凝聚性和细节表现也不错,有性价比。英国人很少做顶级贵价的线材,但平价的发烧线相当拿手,擅长以不贵的价格做出平衡、耐听、乐感自然的声音。记得我刚开始发烧时,就买过英国LINN的喇叭线,几十元一米的裸线自己装插头,在当时的英国小喇叭上搭配效果不错。后来接触的QED、ATLAS都保持了这种英国平价线的传统。
英国What Hi-Fi?杂志给予这款喇叭线五颗星的评价。总结部分的原文——Still, the increase in clarity and punch when using the Atlas Equator 2.0 over budget alternatives should be lauded, especially at this relatively affordable price. If you think your budget/midrange hi-fi system could do with a sonic spring clean, but not sure what needs upgrading (and don’t want to spend too much), plug these Atlas speaker cables in. You might find it’s just what your system needs.(大致意思是:比普通喇叭线增强了清晰度和声音力度,价格非常合理。)
比这根Equator 2.0更高一级的是黑色的Hyper 2.0,在两千元价位,细节表现更好一些,也是What Hi-Fi?好评为All-rounder(全能选手)和五星级的制品。