意大利HI-END品牌EAM LAB的介绍:
来自意大利时尚之都米兰的HI-END音响品牌EAM LAB
熟知亚平宁文化的音乐发烧友,定会了解到这个象征着米兰人精神的品牌。EAM (Electro Acoustic Milan)Lab 公司虽然成立时间只有短短数年,但其研发实验室已经经历了20年的市场考验,作品一直出现在意大利各个舞厅、会场甚至是时装秀T台上。工艺传承出来的心血结晶无论是前级放大器、后级放大器或者车载放大器,都是引来佳话的佳作。
既然说是象征米兰这个时尚之都精神的品牌,就要从EAM lab的品牌logo开始说起。资深车迷或会看出EAM Lab的logo与有平民法拉利之称的ALFA ROMEO(阿尔法·罗密欧)logo有着极为相似的元素,这因为同样扎根在意大利米兰的这家著名汽车制造商也传承者米兰人的精神文化。追溯这图案由来是来自中世纪的时候米兰当地一个古老贵族家族(Viscont家族)的家徽,一直是象征着重生、象征一个人的悔过循环不息、象征着米兰人的精神。时至今日广泛出现于北意大利地区的众多知名品牌和宗教机构等等,都会用上这个吃人龙形蛇(Biscoine)图案作为品牌元素去宣扬米兰人的精神。
EMANUELE PIZZI和ALESSANDRO PIZI这两个充满抱负而且对未来有着相当憧憬的天才设计师一手合作创立的EAM Lab一直事事力求完美,向世人传达100%属于他们的纯手工打造作品,乃是真正意义上的EAM Lab佳作。精心设计下的产品无论是构造、线路、外观、材质,都让他们伤透脑筋。EAM LAb从电容结构就自行设计,保持意大利本土生产,甚至到外观结构的材质设计都均由自己亲自监工。从一根电线、一片芯片,慢慢焊接、组装、打模。每一个细节每一次装配都有严格质量管控。EMANUELE坚持亲手焊制电路板上的每一个电阻、每一个电容,零组件误差值最高不到5%。一对巧手把零组件排列在一起的时候,加上极为严格的测试,天衣无缝结合成一台传世佳作,也让消费者和爱好者了解到每一台EAM Lab 放大器都得来不易。同时由于要展现品牌的独特元素,产品坚持制造出高功率输出,但EAM Lab的机体却相对结实而且小而美。
EMANUELE先生拥有20多年的放大机制作经验,他也十分乐于和音乐发烧友去打交道。为了更好帮助所有“同道中人”,EMANUELE创立ALTASON和Audiolabratory两家公司,无论结构、外观、电脑等全由EMANUELE先生本人亲自设计和测试的R1及S1两款综合放大器由ALTASON公司发售,可惜仅限意大利本土贩卖。而Audiolabratory公司则全力为辅助发烧友而设,不仅负责销售、测试以及维护EAM Lab旗下产品,更为Zapco Audio(美国骇客)、Phoenix Gold(金凤凰)、JBL、FBT和RCF等汽车音响、家用音响、专业音响品牌提供维修升级服务,从而也看出公司拥有的极强实力。正如此,EAM Lab的家用放大器早就广为人知,倍受业界推崇,乃至现在EAM Lab把产品线延伸到车载系统上,同样是最可靠、性能最佳的佳作,质素一直走在同级产品的最前端,发烧友们甚至衍生了“EAM Lab products are the best !”这一说法。
两位创始人在20多年来帮助众多Hi-End专业生产商设计了数之不尽的后级产品,设计能力时至今日都一直是Hi-End厂家最为可靠的合作伙伴,出自他们手中的放大机性能拥有卓越的指标性。外观设计上一直走亚平宁式的外柔内刚路线,内部设计更是拥有最佳电源管理、最佳设计等一系列国际认证。EAM Lab旗下两款“开山之作”HP01前级及HA600后级在公司扎实的技术与规格作为后盾,用极为精准的写实手法勾画出音乐最能吸引人的部分,感染力直触聆听者的心低。无论是由HP01和HA600两款创业巨作组成的HA系列,还是后续推出的Reference系列、Element系列及Musica系列,EAM Lab都按需应用旗下四大核心技术保证高品质和稳定性。而这四大技术也会应用到车载产品上。
Our story begins in a small town
Founded in 2010 in Parabiago, one of the Italian provinces where the mechanical and electronics industry has reached the highest levels of excellence, EAM LAB has become one of the leading brand in the world of design and construction of musical equipment for very high levels.
In every EamLab product there is always careful attention to detail and a tendency to top design, the result of an all-Italian tradition that makes style a timeless art rich in values and meanings.
Innovation in tradition. This is the secret Eam Lab. The know-how we are gaining over the years, high engineering and the impetus towards discovering new major sound frontiers make us realize the highest quality audio products and systems.
A constant renewal, a constant evolution that never forgets the tradition and the starting point:
The passion for music
The corporate mission is simple: Getting to be the best high-end electronics manufacturer in the world.
Trendy design. Italian excellence
Crafty mastery, unquestionable quality and innovative but always functional design, are the essence of EamLab products. With the same careful attention to detail in construction, every product is given a precise identity. Eamlab products nowadays represent a refined, elegant and timeless beauty, a synthesis of state-of-the-art design and high performance. The feature that distinguishes Eamlab is the strong link between a tradition-inspired design.
The clean, essential, refined and original lines characterize the exclusive design and unique style amplifications. A balanced synthesis of elegance and innovation that always marks new goals in the history of international design. We do not indulge in free connotations, too easy scenic impact. We love classic design, rigorous and clean, where the password is to take away, do not add. With the goal of reaching the essence of a unique, unmistakable style, where innovation meets and develops in the harmony of a tradition to become legend. "
01. MUSICA series音乐之声系列
The "entry level" of EamLab production. Built-in Amplifiers, DACs and integrated amps built to high standard construction and sound reproduction that we are sure will surprise you.
Exceptional products, unmatched dynamic capabilities and low price for high construction standards. The front door for the world Eamlab.
Musica 102i合并机 http://www.eamlab.com/it/musica-102i--.html
Musica 202i合并机http://www.eamlab.com/it/musica_202i.html
02. ELEMENT series元素系列
Amplifiers, Integrated and preamplifiers designed for uncompromised audio systems. High Power, always our trademark, current driving, over-sized power supplies and indestructible construction are the common points of the Element series. For those who want a definitive product that leaves room for music only.
Element 202i 合并功放http://www.eamlab.com/202i-integrated-.html
Element 202后级http://www.eamlab.com/202-power-amp.html
Element-260A 纯甲类后级http://www.eamlab.com/it/element_260a.html
ELEMENT 501单声道后级http://www.eamlab.com/it/element_501.html
03. Serie REFERENCE参考系列
Our Flagship. Made without compromise and equipped with the best components. Eamlab's flagship products are our biggest, most powerful and most luxurious products in more years of design. These are power amplifiers premier Eamlab. Few people will be able to see them or listen to them, the less fortune to own them. And yet, because of their very existence, the limits of sound reproduction have been pushed further than in the past. At every stage of their development, a fundamental goal was consistent: the search for absolute perfection in sound quality. Mission accomplished.
Reference 352后级http://www.eamlab.com/it/reference-352.html
Reference 152A纯甲类后级http://www.eamlab.com/it/reference-152a.html
Reference 601单声道后级http://www.eamlab.com/it/reference-601.html
04.HA Line经典系列
http://docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/a564b4_6531c292e5e5437cb5493d58ae871d51.pdf 评测文章