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发表于 2007-07-17 19:08
这是我给celloseattle的产品负责人TOM HALL写的e-mail回信,TOM HALL已经确认这个是 假货了。
发信人: "TOM HALL" <tom.hall@celloseattle.com> 收信人: 隐去 主题: RE: about Cello power cable 日期: 2007-07-14 13:56
It is a fake, there have been many products showing up in China, even using the Cello logo, that are completely fake. Cello never produced a power cord.
Best regards, Tom Hall President 206 256 0900 206 256 0909 f www.celloseattle.com
-----Original Message----- From: 隐去 Sent: Friday, July 13, 2007 9:57 PM To: tom.hall@celloseattle.com Subject: about Cello power cable
Dear Tom Hall,
Has Cello produced power cord like the name of"k1","k2", "k5"? I have found some china wetsites selling some cello power cord . I wonder it is true or fake. You can find it in this link: http://auction1.jd-bbs.com/aucti ... tem_detail-0db1-30f 056ca1ef7b9680501ee4db1d57553.jhtml
molasses 2007.7.14
已证实是假品. 请买了J168假CELLO电源线的烧友们自己监别 (1千字)(CANADA~ 今天15:07 阅读 20) 不知为何我找不到原来质问J168真假的贴子了. (60字)(CANADA~ 今天15:12 阅读 6) 就当我帮他顶吧.100%肯定是假线来的.如不信可自己发E猫问问.
这是另外一烧友得到的回复. (1千字)(CANADA~ 今天20:29 阅读 6) TOM HALL <tom.hall@celloseattle.com> Reply-To : <tom.hall@celloseattle.com> Sent : Saturday, July 14, 2007 7:46 PM To : <xxx@hotmail.com> Subject : RE: has CELLO produced power cord?
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Dear Sir,
They are fake, Cello has not produced any products since 2000, and now companies are illegally using the name to sell product. I am sorry for the misguidance on the product.
Best regards,
Tom Hall President Cello Technologies Seattle
-----Original Message----- From: xxx [mailto xx@hotmail.com] Sent: Saturday, July 14, 2007 9:09 AM To: tom.hall@celloseattle.com Cc: rich.abel@celloseattle.com Subject: has CELLO produced power cord?
Dear sir So sorry tu disturb you,but I who from china,found some Cello brand power cord selling in some wedsites.Then I could not find any informations about these power cords in internet or your company.I am wondering the products like this are fake?But the seller said the "Cello"power cords are the OEM products from your partner :Howard &Jones Acounstic Studio.You can go to this link to see the "USER GUIDE"of the "Cello" power cord,and you will find the designer is Maurice Howard. These power cords made the fans of Cello to discuss its fake or not.And it made things complicated. So I send tihis email to explor its fact. I think you and your people are glad to answer my questions.
yours truly fans from china.
TOM回复得很明确,CELLO从来没有生产过什么K1 K2电源线 (626字)(CANADA~ 今天20:50 阅读 2) 而在中国出现的全是假冒品. 当初我也差点跟J168购入这假线的,我是全套CELLO的用家.当我怀疑问了一句是否真品时,却得到的是一大片关于线材的理论而且都回避了我的疑问.我就在网上继续发问,又无耐有一大批J168的FANS出来帮顶.我只有联系亚洲别超国际影音的高层取得CELLO的产品开发负责人TOM 的E-MAIL来证实这事.据我所知他们还会就这次冒用品牌采取措施和法律手段.
本来这线是出自何处是没有所谓的,只要声音好也就值了.但从商的不应欺骗隐瞒真相,是DIY的又如何?只要效果好就行,但无耐只顾利益骗钱利用网上的人缘好来达到赚钱的目的就真是不应该了. ........ 详情链接:http://audiophile.bbs.net/bbs/01/324069.html